URL Encode

URL Encoder is a basic web tool for encoding URLs. Simply type URL into the input text section, and the tool will convert it to URL encode format in real time. Once the URL has been encoded, you can copy it by clicking on the output text area. It should be noted that our programme encodes URLs using the UTF-8 encoding standard.

This free online URL encode tool allows you to encode URL quickly and effortlessly. It saves you from having to write a few lines of code to get the same outcome.

URL Enconding

URL encoding (Percent Encoding) is a mechanism for converting URLs into an Internet-transmittable format.

It uses the UTF-8 encoding to transform the characters to bytes and substitutes unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" character followed by two hexadecimal digits. The two hexadecimal digits represent the unsafe character's numeric value.

There are reserved characters that have specific meanings and must be encoded.

Sample: / is a reserved character, it is used for URI path components. / is transformed to%2F.

How Does URL Encode Work?

All offending characters are replaced with a% and a two-digit hexadecimal value representing the character in the appropriate ISO character set. Here are a few examples:

  • $ (Dollar Sign) becomes %24
  • & (Ampersand) becomes %26
  • + (Plus) becomes %2B
  • , (Comma) becomes %2C
  • : (Colon) becomes %3A
  • ; (Semi-Colon) becomes %3B
  • = (Equals) becomes %3D
  • ? (Question Mark) becomes %3F
  • @ (Commercial A / At) becomes %40