JavaScript Minifier

JavaScript minifier tool helps you to minify and compress your JavaScript code, removing all unnecessary white spaces, newlines, comments, and variable names.

This JavaScript Minifier is an online JavaScript minifier that can help you minify and compress JS. The tool does an excellent job of reducing file size by deleting all extraneous white spaces, lines, and indentation, as well as unused characters. It can also assist make your JavaScript more complicated, making it difficult to read and duplicate.

How To Compress JS Online Using JavaScript Minifier

This JavaScript Minifier is quite simple to use. To use JavaScript compressor, simply copy and paste your original JavaScript code into the text box, then click the "Submit" button. Our JavaScript Minifier, also known as a JS compressor, will compress your JavaScript code and instantly generate the minified code.

Why Minify JavaScript?

Minification is the process of deleting all unneeded characters from JavaScript code in order to minimise or compress the JavaScript file size. Spacing, indentation, newlines, and comments are all removed. The minification process can also rename local variables; lengthy variable names are reduced. Minification makes reading JavaScript source code more challenging.


Source Code:

/* Load date from URL */
		function loadFromURL()
			var url = document.getElementById('url').value;
			services.http.get(url, function (data) {
				if (currentEditor && data)
				dialogLoadFromURL.dialog( "close" );		

Source code after minfication

function loadFromURL(){var e=document.getElementById("url").value;services.http.get(e,function(e){currentEditor&&e&¤tEditor.setValue(e),dialogLoadFromURL.dialog("close")})}

Developers keep a nice version of their source code and use a minification software for release.

JavaScript minifier is an SEO tool that can help you increase the speed of your website (It is a SEO factor). The compression of online pages by web servers restricts the interest in source minification.